Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In Memoriam

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I want to document the death of a diner. For the briefest moment, Metro diner existed in among the colonial buildings of downtown fairfax, nestled on the corner, offering eggs and chili and french fries. Wait, I don't think they had fries. In fact, let the death of Metro diner stand as a warning to other restaurants, and a plea for help. There is a terrible shortage of short order eating to be had in this town. Having spent some time in Philadelphia, one gets rather spoiled by the abundance of Greek diners, each knowing their way around everything from Gyros, to omelettes. We just don't have the same thing here.

So, let us remember Metro diner as the light that failed, and let's remember why. The Diner is a business and eating model that needs no improvement, no cleaning, no polishing, no changing (alright...I will grant you that a lot of diners could use some cleaning). I will miss Metro because of what it represented, but what I really want is the mom and pop place that isn't on the corner here.

I want to order french fries with my omelette at 8 in the morning on Saturday.

- J.Anderson

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